
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Problem- Will the dominoes be able to create enough gravity to knock the other dominoes over after being hit by a pulley.
Hypothesis- I think that it will work all three trials because the pulley definitely has enough gravity to knock them over but it might miss them like once or twice
A pulley
A 14 inch string
15 dominoes
1. Gather materials
2. Get a pulley and 15 dominoes
3. Get a 14 inch string to put under the pulley
4. Put the string on something sturdy so that it doesn’t tip inward
5. Take 6 trials for every team member
6. Then put the pulley at the top of the string
7. Let the pulley go down the string and observe
8. Do steps 1-7 six times per group member
9. Create a graph
10. Conclude
11. Clean up materials
Conclusion- I was right it did work almost every time the only time that it didn’t work was the forth trial and it was because the pulley didn’t make it all the way down the string. For 3 and 6 there was a little luck though because the pulley hit the first domino and then it kind of wobbled back and forth and then fell over.

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